Candidate Consultancy

Free 30-Minute Career Consultation

Career Consultation
Would you like to move into the commercial property industry, but don't know which area to go into? Are you content with your current job in commercial property, or looking for something different?

REM Recruitment
If you are thinking about changing your career and want to talk to a career consultant, then sign up for a FREE 30-minute consultation. At the consultation, we will discuss your career goals and give you advice on what you can do next to progress your career in commercial property. I can help answer the questions you have about your next career move in commercial property, so you can find your dream job.

REM Recruitment
To arrange the session, send me an email at with your name, current job title or your CV, a description of what you're looking and some suggested times and dates to meet. I'll respond with confirmed session details and a link to an online video call.

After the session, should you wish to register with REM Recruitment, we would be more than happy to help you with your next stage, and guide you through the process of landing your dream job.

REM Recruitment